June 19, 2024
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Pakistan to let Kulbhushan Jadhav right to get in touch with Indian diplomats and officials

A day after the International Court of Justice ordered that former Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Jadhav, who had been awarded the serious punishment of death sentence by a Pakistan military court, should be granted right to get in touch with his country’s diplomats and officials, Islamabad has expressed its willingness to offer the right to get in touch with diplomats and officials to Mr Jadhav.

During the original trial, the Indian national was not allowed to get in touch with his country’s diplomats and officials.

It was the petition filed by the Indian government in the ICJ highlighting this injustice that received the pro-Jadhav judgment.

In that sense, the judgement is the victory of the Indian national who was illegally detained in the Pakistan custody, and the Indian government, which showed courage to even approach the top court to counter the illegal judgment delivered by the Pakistan military court.

It is hoped that the Indian national will get justice that he deserves in the near future itself.

The Indian officials, who worked tirelessly to win justice for the Indian national who is under the custody of Pakistan, deserves special appreciation for the effort they put to help Mr Jadhav.

Photo Courtesy: Google/ images are subject to copyright


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